Friday 31 October 2008


Generating sales growth has everything to do with "advocacy", this can be explained as the willingness of customers to use a company’s products and services and then to recommend them to friends, family and colleagues.

Advocacy is a genuine and compelling loyalty towards your brand or services.
Advocates are much more than customers who return again and again. Advocates are customers who are prepared to argue your case, defend and champion your business against your competitors.

The more advocates a business has the stronger its sales growth becomes. Advocates are also often called promoters. Successful businesses have recognised the link between advocacy (promoters) and sales by communicating the strategic importance of advocates to their teams and by measuring the customer’s views through Mystery Shopping programmes.

Many companies make a substantial and lasting improvement to their business by gaining customer information and using it to make strategic decisions regarding the future of the company.
One Mystery Shopping company called Retail Active uses systems, processes and tools to measure the Net Promoter Score, often described as the customer health of check. The Net Promoter Score illustrates the rating of promoters, passives and detractors using the business.

Mystery Shopping is a very successful method of determining the customer advocacy levels of your business. Once you know the issues customers face then work to increase customer satisfaction, boost sales performance and build staff competence, resulting in increased profitability.
Retail Active Mystery Shopping helps identify the gap between the experience you seek to deliver and the actual experiences customers receive.

Their award winning business tools can be used to make a strategic and cultural change in your business at a fraction of the cost of other methods of change management.
If you would like to learn more about how customer advocacy can grow sales visit or call 01235 438413.