Tuesday, 28 October 2008

How Mystery Shopping Can Assess Your Customer Loyalty And Generate Better Profits.

The best predictor of customer loyalty for most businesses is how likely their customers would be to recommend your company to a friend or colleague? When customers are truly loyal they not only remain committed to the company but also actively recruit new customers on your behalf.
Every company can divide customers into three categories; these are Promoters, Passives and Detractors.

Promoters are loyal enthusiasts (advocates) who keep buying from you and are highly likely to recommend your company, again and again.

Passives are satisfied and likely to recommend the services and products you offer, BUT could easily be enticed by your competitors.

Detractors are your unhappy customers who would be unlikely to buy from you and may encourage their friends to use your competitors – These are dangerous customers and can wreck a business reputation.

By analysing your promoters, passives and detractors you can measure your company’s advocacy metric. Your advocacy metric is linked directly to your company’s revenue growth rate. It takes into account both the increased word of mouth marketing as well as the lost potential growth.
Retail Active, the mystery shopping company, specialises in guiding companies to measure and improve customer advocacy and profits. They use sophisticated tools to determine customer advocacy, by store, by region and brand. These analytical tools help determine the strategic options to increase the number of advocates supporting you.

The customer experience you deliver each day, through every interaction, direct and indirect, either builds or destroys your brand.

Retail Active are experts in turning pioneering research into measurable ways to improve business performance, quickly and with surgical precision.

If you would like to learn more about how Mystery Shopping can assess your customer loyalty and generate better profits, contact Retail Active on 01235 438413 or visit www.retailactive.com