Retail Active the Mystery Shopping and Brand Audit Company has surveyed 732 British companies to determine how motivated they consider their staff to be in the current economic climate. Staggeringly 497 (68%) of the companies participating in the research thought staff motivation was good but had no formal way of measuring corporate culture and employee satisfaction.
Asked if they had used Employee Satisfaction Surveys in the past, 24% said ‘never’ and 83% said they hadn’t undertaken a staff survey within the past 5 years.
Contrastingly, those companies had surveyed their staff do so on an annual or biannual basis, stating that understanding employee motivation and attitudes plays a vital part in delivering their corporate plan.
Whilst many of the companies surveyed had no tangible insight into the motivation of their workforce, those that had conducted research recorded a decline in employee satisfaction over the past year. However, businesses stated that surveying employees enabled them to react to their workforce dissatisfaction.
Julian Chamberlain, CEO of Retail Active Mystery Shopping, says “there has been an alarming decrease in staff satisfaction at companies up and down the country. Our survey highlights the significant benefits’ in understanding how ‘staff feel’ about the company they work for and what would make them become more engaged.
“Understanding customers and their needs has never been more important, in a market where they hold the upper hand. You can’t deliver this without a motivated and engaged team”
“More and more companies are turning to Retail Active for guidance on how to make Employee Engagement the cornerstone of delivering a memorable customer experience strategy.
Given Retail Active’s experience as a Mystery Shopping Company, we know just how critical employee engagement is to sustaining motivation and building commitment, whilst improving business performance.
How engaged are your employees?